who's coming to dinner?"...
starring Brother Lucas
& Laser...
known as 'the Last Unihorn'
we need to look at life
from a different angle,
Put ourselves in someone
else’s ‘shoes’,
Take ourselves a little less seriously"
– this wisdom
from our blonde
but ‘Not So Nutty Professor’ (pictured below)
– who always reminds us
of the value of looking at things from
a new perspective …
‘the lighter side’
Act 3"
--special hijacking episode
...with 'The Ladies in Black' (& blue)
Sister Macrina, Mother Raphaela)
Co-stars: 'Pearlina' & 'Destiny'

and My Shadow'... with Lynn Lightbody & special 'sidekick' Cherry
-Lynn's smile has lit up
a number of lives & without a doubt she is our nomination for
Best Leading Lady of 2003
you"... Lloyd, Barbara & Jaklyn |

‘Lighter’ Side
viewed photos from episodes of
‘not so
rich’ and
Farm Ltd. All rights reserved

“The Taming of the Shrew” ...
another ' Odd Couple'
(... out to lunch) |

‘Close Encounters of the Outside the Country Kind’ – with its
“Honey, I shrunk
the Sisters …! ”
2 really good sports from Zoar Farms, NY & the‘Friendly Giant’

-starring REAL 'crocks'

“The Running of the Bulls"...
with 'The Lone Danger'
& his Saanen Buck 'Silver'
(we grow them big here in Bobcaygeon)